Founder of Australia’s fastest-growing online health and fitness business and the entrepreneur behind $60m+ sales reveals…

The Top 7 Rules for Earning 7 Figures Per Annum…

Learn simple yet effective changes you can make in your life right now to attract more purpose, clarity and abundance within your family, fitness, and finances!

PLEASE NOTE: This free guide is for entrepreneurs and business owners who want to monetise their knowledge and expertise to earn 7+ figures a year. So, if your goal is to make $1,000,000+ annually, then the contents of this guide are definitely for you!


Access My “7 Rules for 7-Figure Success” that You Must Know if You Want to Earn Over $1,000,000 Per Annum with Your Business…

This free guide gives you a realistic, actionable plan for achieving the elusive goal of generating 7 figures in your business year after year. I will share with you my “7 Rules for 7-Figure Success” that I have taught to 1000+ business owners – and used myself to generate $60m+ in sales.

Here’s just a tiny sample of what you’ll discover inside…

Plus, much more practical tools that you can start using today to create your ultimate life…

success stories

Hi, I'm Daine...

Husband, father of six, entrepreneur and author. Over the last 15 years, I’ve generated over $60,000,000 in sales for my services both online and in the real world.

As an entrepreneur and an educator, I have…

After all these years, what I know for a fact is…

Despite seemingly “having it all”, it took two nervous breakdowns, a failed marriage and being 35kgs overweight to realise financial freedom is just one piece of the puzzle.

In my free guide, I will give you the exact breakthroughs I had that now lets me live a life of freedom and makes me a better man, husband, leader, and father.

Daine McDonald