Over the Past 10 Years, I’ve Built Businesses that Have Generated $60,000,000+…
… So, I Know a Thing or Two About What It Takes to Live Life on Your Terms

Hi, I’m Daine, entrepreneur, educator & father of six…

If you want to create a life where you’re financially independent and free to make the choices you want, then you and I have a lot in common. But I know, no matter how badly you want it, this life can remain out of reach.
I should know… It took me a decade of learning the ropes, then a decade of application, to finally turn years of hard work and hustling into complete freedom in all areas of my life. Now I want the same for you – and don’t want you to have to wait to suffer from unnecessary trauma as I did.

I’ve been building businesses since I was 18, but it took me years to figure out that money is just one part of success in life…
Boy, does time fly by. Over the past 20+ years, I’ve built five different businesses and sold two, my first for six figures then the next one for seven figures.
I’ve also become a husband and father of six. Today, I get to live a lifestyle that I dreamed about as a kid growing up in a low to middle socioeconomic household.
Big house, multiple real estate investments, a large stock and crypto portfolio, these were things I thought only people in the wealthy and affluent areas of my hometown in Sydney could achieve.
But despite seemingly “having it all”, it took two nervous breakdowns, a failed marriage and being 35kgs overweight
to realise financial freedom is just one piece of the puzzle.
Since then, I’ve mentored extensively under world-leading business and human behavioural change experts, like
Tony Robbins, Grant Cardone, Dr John DeMartini and Dr Joe Dispenza, to develop a more complete definition of success.
One that is not just built on wealth creation, but more on being happy, maintaining high levels of physical and mental health, all whilst feeling aligned spiritually with your purpose and mission on this planet as you create your dream life.

I’ll show you how to define a new concept of success built on family first, financial freedom and peak mental and physical fitness…

If you follow the standard definition of success, you’ve probably been told that all that matters is the number on your bank statement. Sure, personal wealth is a big part of it. But I can tell you, money alone doesn’t define success.
That’s why I look at success through a different lens to most.
To me, success is no longer a single financial metric or material things like a big house. Success is about harmoniously aligning financial, physical, emotional, and spiritual health so you can be economically and emotionally rich and attract abundance in every aspect of your life.

I can’t wait to work together to change your future. But first, let’s look at my past…
2001- Becoming an (accidental) eCommerce entrepreneur
As an 18-year-old looking for something to do, I started an eBay business selling 80s and 90s video games that I had in the bottom of my wardrobe. Then I expanded to buying and selling other rare games. My eBay business took off! I became an eBay PowerSeller, and I was instantly hooked on business. Using my profits, I began investing in arcade machines to expand my mini-empire.

2002 – Studying to become a personal trainer
In 2002, the idea of a “personal trainer” was still a relatively new concept. I jumped on the wave early, getting my personal trainer qualifications and training a handful of clients. Meanwhile, my eCommerce and arcade business continued to grow, and I loved every minute of what I was doing – I couldn’t believe I was getting paid to both sell video games and help people get healthy!
2003-2005 Starting business #2 as a personal training service provider
Seeing the growing demand for personal training, I formed a fully-fledged business. I even trained people remotely through “distance consulting”. This was long before Zoom calls and online training was a thing. I guess you could say I was ahead of my time… In the background, my arcade business just kept growing and growing.

2006 – Selling business #1
By now, I was earning just under $200,000 per annum from my video game and PT businesses. More than what my friends who had gone into “proper” careers such as law or accounting earned. Life was great. But with the rise of Xbox and PlayStation, I could see the writing on the wall for arcade games. So, I sold the business, netting 6 figures cash upfront in the process at 23 years old.
2007-2010 – Going all-in on personal training
With more time and money from the sale of my business,
I poured everything into personal training, founding Clean Health and over the next 10+ years, the company would become one of the world’s leading health and
fitness-related brands.

2012 - Opening my first gym, getting married & breaking down
As a personal trainer, I figured it made no sense to keep training my clients in other people’s gyms. So, I opened my own with every cent of the money I had and went ‘all in’…
It would be my first of three gyms, which would expand to
50+ employees and 250,000+ appointments in the years to come — although it came at a toll.
After contracting Lyme’s Disease, I had my first of two physical, mental, and emotional breakdowns. I was in and
out of hospital while still trying to run my business.
Oh, and by the way, I finally got married to my first wife…
2013 – Having my first child and dealing with divorce
In late 2013, I had my first child. The euphoria of this
life-changing moment soon turned to stress as I split from my wife not long after having an affair as I was lost and playing out inherited traumas passed on down through the generations. Although I didn’t know it at the time, the stress
of my divorce would begin a pathway of inner grief,
turmoil and resentment that would nearly kill me in 2019.

2014 – Starting business #3 in the education space & a new relationship
At age 32, having recovered fully from Lyme Disease, I shifted from training others to teaching others, launching my education business to share my expertise in the areas of exercise, nutrition and the business of fitness.
Since 2014, as an educator, I have sold-out workshops in over 30 cities worldwide and taught over 10,000 students personally and over 50,000 through my company online.
I also moved in with my now wife and took on her 3 sons as my own, increasing my flock of children from 1 to 4 overnight.
2015 – Launching business #4, two more gyms & near bankruptcy
With gym #1 humming, I expanded to two more locations. Plus, because I didn’t already have enough on my plate… I also expanded my growing enterprise into software for the fitness industry. It was right around then that stretching myself too thin pushed me to the brink of bankruptcy, leading me to have to liquidate one of my companies to stay afloat…

2016-17 – Turning things around…
I pulled myself back from the brink of bankruptcy through
a combination of taking on more debt to pay off creditors, hustle, some smart business moves, and 12 months later,
I netted a 7-figure sale on my original gym business, completely pulling it out of the red and turning it around.
But I had no plans to slow down. Instead, I parlayed this sale into the purchase of a Registered Training Organisation, which started the process of certifying thousands of personal trainers each year.
Right around this time, I also started my fifth business in business consultancy and development. This was the start of a new chapter for me. Taking everything I’d learned over the years, I began coaching business owners to monetise their passion for creating the businesses and lives they want.
2017-2018 – Going global & my second child
After becoming an industry leader on the Australian fitness landscape, it was time to take on the world. Through global expansion, I took my business internationally to major cities like Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Las Vegas, Toronto, London, and more. My education business was booming, which would go on to certify over 50,000 health and fitness professionals – and counting!
My new wife and I also had our first child together, my second and her fourth, bringing our blended family mix to a total of five kids.

This experience led me on a journey of self-discovery. I found meditation (which saved me) and travelled halfway across the world to Mexico and back, working with the likes of Dr Joe Dispenza, Dr Demartini and numerous other lesser-known shamans, energy healers and mystics… you name it,
I went there!
Nine months later, and after about 1000 hours of therapy and learning (no joke!), I was a new person. After my darkest days,
I was finally able to reintegrate with society after almost the entire year off work.
2019 - A nervous breakdown & the year that would change my life forever
2019 was possibly the single most crucial year of my life to date, as it was my catalyst for permanent, life-lasting change…
After six months of beginning the digitisation of over a decade’s worth of IP, I had a massive nervous breakdown.
By now, I was over 35kgs overweight, and all the physical, mental, and emotional stress of the last five years had caught up to me.
I was suicidal, severely depressed, and anxious. It got so bad
I had to hand over the reins of CEO to the Operations Director of my company. At the same time, I checked myself in at an alternative mental health facility in the mountains of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, to try and reclaim my sanity and heal myself.
2020-2021 – Going all-in online & hitting $20+m in sales
Fresh from my life-changing 2019, in 2020, we continued to expand our digital footprint globally, and it paid off.
In under three years, my online business would generate $20+ million in sales through consumer-focused wellness resources, fitness industry software and fitness professional courses.
Oh, and I also had my second child with my wife (My third) and our sixth between us!
And that leads me to today…

After 20+ years…

That’s my journey to becoming a happy, healthy millionaire.
Now it’s time to create yours…
Ready to Build your Ultimate Life that gives you the freedom you crave?